Monday, November 26, 2007

Candyspace creates first movie trailer for mobile

Mobile agency Candyspace, has claimed to have created the first mobile-only version of a theatrical trailer for the release of the new Ryan Reynolds film, The Nines.

The special version is based on the trailer being shown in cinemas throughout the UK, but is cut to provide clear viewing on mobile handsets. The trailer can also be accessed on the movie’s mobile portal – which features competitions and film content.
The mobile campaign is part of a wider marketing initiative, planned and bought by Target Media, and includes a two-week residency on the O2 mobile portal to drive banner click-through.
Candyspace MD Tom Thorne said: “It is no longer enough to simply replicate content from other media for the mobile space. Those campaigns that succeed are the ones which specifically create content that reflects both the format and the way people interact with their phones.”
The Nines is the latest mystery meets science fiction feature from GO writer John August and debuts in UK cinemas on November 30.

Media Week 23-Nov-07

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